English (United Kingdom)Italian - Italy
When thinking of fly fishing, at once the mind runs and rests on most immediate details: the flies, the line dancing in the air, a fish rising in the water , a nice fish rapidly tailing during the release; no doubt, all this is a sweet disease .
But it exist an indissoluble combination: fishing equals rod. and this is another virus much more strong and incurable that affects some fishermen, total, charming, incurable: fishing with a self made bamboo refendu rod.
Since about one year we have been contaminated by and not without difficulties we have made some rods involving our hands, minds, passions; then, on the rivers, our hearts, giving us moments of authentic ecstasy .
It seems miraculous thinking of a tree trunk immersed in wet and far Asian woods that after a long travel comes to be transformed into a valuable jewel, warm to the touch, nervous but sweet in flexing when it imposes upon an unruly grayling during rewinding.
In our ultra-technological world returning to manual, to fatigue of many hours of our free time seems to us the appropriate tribute to our fathers makers that made the history of pam. 
                                                                                                                             ( Dodo 26/09/2011)